STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: November 13, 2024
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S): Outside City Limits
DEPARTMENT: Dallas Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Dev Rastogi
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 6 to the professional services contract with Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to provide additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant - Not to exceed $7,497,216.00, from $34,063,406.00 to $41,560,622.00 - Financing: Water Capital Improvement G Fund
In June 2006, Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) initiated a study to investigate the cause of water quality concerns in parts of the water distribution system. The study and requisite testing confirmed that the treated water chemically changes as it moves through the water system. Recommendations to stabilize the water included process changes and the implementation of improvements at all three water treatment plants. Three firms, one firm for each water treatment plant, were selected to perform engineering and design services. It was anticipated that each firm would be awarded planned supplemental agreements as work progresses to ensure a targeted approach to design. Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. was selected as the engineer for the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant (EFWTP).
One major recommendation from the 2006 study included the implementation of biologically active filtration at each plant. DWU has successfully implemented biologically active filtration at the East Side and Bachman Water Treatment Plants and is working to implement these improvements at the EFWTP. The next steps include the completion of a new filter complex and sedimentation basins, pre-sedimentation basins and plant influent improvements, and chemical improvements to convert treatment operations, improve finished water quality, address hydraulic limitations, and replace existing infrastructure at the end of its useful life. Due to budget constraints in 2021, the new filter complex construction was divided into two phases. Phase 1 is currently ongoing and includes the civil and structural portions of the facility. Phase 2 will commence in 2027 and consists of the mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation portions of the facility.
The remaining, recommended water quality improvements (WQI) at the EFWTP will be delivered by the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) project delivery method. Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. will serve as the engineer for the project to complete designs and assist DWU during the construction of these improvements. The planned improvements are budgeted over a period from 2025 thru 2031 and will include multiple Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) Proposals from the CMAR. The anticipated construction cost for the WQI Program is estimated at approximately $500 to 550 Million and will be completed in 2033. DWU will work collaboratively with the CMAR and the engineer to refine proposed improvement components and develop GMP Proposals. All GMP Proposals will be brought forward for individual consideration and approval by City Council after extensive review by DWU and Arcadis.
This action will approve Supplemental Agreement No. 6 with Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. and continue to advance the goals of the WQI Program at the EFWTP. The scope of work includes bid and construction administration services for portions of Filter Complex Phase 2; detailed design, bid, and construction administration services for a liquid ammonium sulfate system; preliminary and detailed design and bid services for the new Flocculation/Sedimentation Basins; design, bid, and construction phase coordination with the Presedimentation Basin improvements; and additional start-up support for Pump Station No.1. Future supplemental agreements will be required to complete the overall WQI Program. These include construction administration and start-up of the new Flocculation/Sedimentation Basins; assessment, design, bid, construction administration and start-up services for chemical and electrical system improvements; and facility decommissioning and demolition design and construction administration services.
Begin Services December 2024
Complete Services October 2028
On June 23, 2010, the City Council authorized a professional services contract with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to provide engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant by Resolution No. 10-1641.
On September 14, 2011, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. for additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant by Resolution No. 11-2422.
On August 28, 2013, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. for additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant by Resolution No. 13-1469.
On January 10, 2018, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 3 to the professional services contract with Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. for additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant by Resolution No. 18-0102.
On January 26, 2022, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to the professional services contract with Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to provide additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant by Resolution No. 22-0255.
On January 11, 2023, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the professional services contract with Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. to provide additional engineering services associated with water quality improvements at the Elm Fork Water Treatment Plant, by Resolution No. 23-0134.
The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee was briefed by memorandum regarding this matter on October 21, 2024. <>
Fund |
FY 2025 |
FY 2026 |
Future Years |
Water Capital Improvement G Fund |
$7,497,216.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Original Contract $ 7,562,770.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 1 $ 6,500,000.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 2 $ 5,622,236.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 3 $ 6,223,300.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 4 $ 2,371,053.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 5 $ 5,784,047.00
Supplemental Agreement No. 6 (this action) $ 7,497,216.00
Project Total $41,560,622.00
In accordance with the City’s Business Inclusion and Development Policy adopted on September 23, 2020, by Resolution No. 20-1430, as amended, the M/WBE participation on this contract is as follows:
Contract Amount |
Procurement Category |
M/WBE Goal |
$7,497,216.00 |
Architecture & Engineering |
25.66%* |
M/WBE Subcontracting % |
M/WBE Overall % |
M/WBE Overall Participation $ |
41.99% |
41.99% |
$3,147,860.80 |
• This contract exceeds the M/WBE goal. |
• Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc. - Local; Workforce - 12.50% Local |
Arcadis CE, Inc. f/k/a Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
Alan Brooks, Chief Executive Officer