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File #: 25-282A    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CONSENT AGENDA Status: Approved
File created: 1/14/2025 In control: Office of Procurement Services
On agenda: 2/12/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize a three-year service price agreement for cured-in-place pipe and manhole rehabilitation services for the Dallas Water Utilities Department - Insituform Technologies, LLC in the estimated amount of $11,287,300.00 and Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $1,069,200.00, most advantageous proposers of five - Total estimated amount of $12,356,500.00 - Financing: Wastewater Construction Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Indexes: 100
Attachments: 1. Resolution
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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STRATEGIC PRIORITY:                     Government Performance and Financial Management

AGENDA DATE:                     February 12, 2025

COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                     All

DEPARTMENT:                     Office of Procurement Services

EXECUTIVE:                     Donzell Gipson





Authorize a three-year service price agreement for cured-in-place pipe and manhole rehabilitation services for the Dallas Water Utilities Department - Insituform Technologies, LLC in the estimated amount of $11,287,300.00 and Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, Inc. in the estimated amount of $1,069,200.00, most advantageous proposers of five - Total estimated amount of $12,356,500.00 - Financing:  Wastewater Construction Fund (subject to annual appropriations)





This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a service price agreement is to establish firm pricing for services, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis according to annual budgetary appropriations. The estimated amount is intended as guidance rather than a cap on spending under the agreement, so that actual need combined with the amount budgeted will determine the amount spent under this agreement. 


This service price agreement will provide for cured-in-place pipe and manhole rehabilitation services for the Dallas Water Utilities Department (DWU).  This seamless pipe repair restores structural integrity to existing lines, eliminates weakened joints, and prevents root intrusion.  The cured-in-place method creates a wall-to-wall seamless pipe lining inside the existing damaged pipe with limited excavation at the repair site.  This method reduces repair time and allows DWU to maintain continuous service to the residents. The cured-in-place method will be used to rehabilitate wastewater mains ranging in size from six to sixty inches. The lining rehabilitation of sanitary sewer manholes process will provide structural rehabilitation to manhole walls, eliminate inflow, infiltration, exfiltration, stop corrosion from sewer gases, and chemicals. Further, this manhole lining process will prolong the life of the manhole walls for 50 years or more. DWU has over 45,000 sewer manholes within the sanitary sewer system of over 4,050 miles of pipe ranging from 6” to 120” diameter of various materials.


A four-member committee from the following departments reviewed and evaluated the qualifications:


                     Dallas Water Utilities Department                      (1)

                     Department of Planning and Development                     (1)

                     Department of Transportation and Public Works                      (1)

                     Office of Procurement Services                     (1)*


*The Office of Procurement Services evaluated cost and local preference, if applicable. 


The committee selected the successful respondents on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications under the following criteria:


                     Approach                                                                                                         35 points

                     Experience                                                                                                         30 points

                     Cost and timeframe                                                                                    30 points

                     Local Preference Program                                                                 5 points


As part of the solicitation process and in an effort to increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services used its procurement system to send out email notifications to vendors registered under relevant commodity codes.  To further increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services uses historical solicitation information, the Internet, and vendor contact information obtained from user departments to contact additional vendors. 


On November 10, 2015, the City Council authorized a living wage policy that requires contractors to pay their employees a “living wage” rate as established annually by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator for Dallas County by Resolution No. 15-2141.  The calculated living wage during the solicitation process of this contract is $18.24; the selected vendor meets this requirement.




This item has no prior action.





FY 2025

FY 2026

Future Years

Wastewater Construction Fund







In accordance with the City’s Business Inclusion and Development Policy adopted on September 23, 2020, by Resolution No. 20-1430, as amended, the M/WBE participation on this contract is as follows:





Contract Amount

Procurement Category

M/WBE Goal


Other Services


M/WBE Subcontracting %

M/WBE Overall %

M/WBE Overall Participation $




This contract exceeds the M/WBE goal.

Insituform Technologies, LLC - Non-local; Workforce - 1.94% Local Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, INC. - Non-local; Workforce - 0.00% Local




Method of Evaluation for Award Type:


Request for Competitive

Utilized for high technology procurements, insurance procurements, and other goods and services

Sealed Proposal

Recommended offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the City, considering the relative importance of price, and other evaluation factors stated in the specifications


Always involves a team evaluation


Allows for negotiation on contract terms, including price


The Office of Procurement Services received the following proposals from solicitation number BNZ24-00025022.  We opened them on July 19, 2024.  We recommend the City Council award this service price agreement to the most advantageous proposer by group.


*Denotes successful proposers


Proposers                                                                                    Address                                                                                    Score                                          


*Insituform Technologies,                      580 Goddard Avenue                                          Group A - 86.66

LLC                     Chesterfield, MO  63005                                          Group B - No bid


*Infrastructure Rehabilitation                      401 Edwards Street                                          Group A - No bid

USA, INC.                     Suite 2100                                          Group B - 89.00

                     Shreveport, LA  71101                     


Ace Pipe Cleaning, Inc.                     6601 Universal Avenue,                                           Group A - 69.92

                     Kansas City, MO 64120                                          Group B - 80.73


PM Construction & Rehab,                      131 North Richey Street                                          Non-responsive

LLC                     Pasadena, TX  77506                     


Visu-Sewer, LLC                     W230 N4855 Betker Drive                                           Non-responsive

                     Pewaukee, WI  53072                     







Insituform Technologies, LLC


Burt M. Keating, President


Infrastructure Rehabilitation USA, INC.


Theodore J. Casten, President