AGENDA DATE: March 26, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson
Authorize (1) a three-year service price agreement for the purchase and installation of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - Naturomulch, LLC in the estimated amount of $1,690,377.30; and (2) a three-year master agreement for the purchase of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth in the estimated amount of $200,814.74 and Green Dream International LLC in the estimated amount of $110,811.98, lowest responsible bidders of six - Total estimated amount of $2,002,004.02 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of these agreements is to establish firm pricing for services and goods, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis according to annual budgetary appropriations. The estimated amounts are intended as guidance rather than a cap on spending under the agreement, so that actual need combined with the amount budgeted will determine the amount spent under these agreements.
These agreements will provide for the purchase and installation of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department. Mulch materials help to conserve and extend available water, protect soil from erosion, reduce competition by suppressing weeds, moderate temperature extremes and acts as a barrier or visible marker of gardening beds to limit damage by landscape maintenance equipment. These mulching materials will be used throughout the City’s various parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, service centers and other facilities. In addition, this purchase will assist the City in its facility-specific condition monitoring, predictive, and preventative maintenance programs.
The Park & Recreation Department operates and manages one of the largest park systems in the country with over 20,812 acres of developed and undeveloped park land, 410 parks, 6 golf courses and 42 recreation centers. The staff of the department manages and maintains athletic fields, aquatic centers, playgrounds, 180 miles of trails, tennis facilities, golf courses and dog parks.
As part of the solicitation process and in an effort to increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services used its procurement system to send out email notifications to vendors registered under relevant commodity codes. To further increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services uses historical solicitation information, the Internet, and vendor contact information obtained from user departments to contact additional vendors.
On November 10, 2015, the City Council authorized a living wage policy that requires contractors to pay their employees a “living wage” rate as established annually by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator for Dallas County by Resolution No. 15-2141. The calculated living wage during the solicitation process of this contract is $22.05; the selected vendor meets this requirement.
On January 13, 2021, the City Council authorized a three-year master agreement for a variety of mulching materials for citywide use with Naturomulch, LLC and The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth by Resolution No. 21-0140.
Fund |
FY 2025 |
FY 2026 |
Future Years |
General Fund |
$300,000.00 |
$300,000.00 |
$1,402,004.02 |
In accordance with the City’s Business Inclusion and Development Policy adopted on September 23, 2020, by Resolution No. 20-1430, as amended, the M/WBE participation on this contract is as follows:
Contract Amount |
Procurement Category |
M/WBE Goal |
$2,002,004.02 |
Other Services |
N/A |
M/WBE Subcontracting % |
M/WBE Overall % |
M/WBE Overall Participation $ |
N/A |
84.43% |
$1,690,377.30 |
• The Request for Bid method of procurement resulted in the lowest responsive bidders being selected. |
• Naturomulch, LLC - Local; Workforce - 0.00% Local • The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth - Local; Workforce - 38.33% Local • Green Dream International LLC - Non-Local; Workforce - 0.00% Local |
Method of Evaluation for Award Type:
Low Bid |
• Recommended vendor is based on the lowest competitive quoted price, who is also technically and financially capable of performing and completing the contract, and otherwise meets all material specification requirements |
• Negotiations are not allowed |
The Office of Procurement Services received the following bids from solicitation number BY24-00026007. We opened them on January 3, 2025. We recommend the City Council award these agreements to the lowest responsive and responsible bidders by line.
*Denotes successful bidders
Bidder Address Amount
*Naturomulch, LLC 602 Davis St. Group 1 - No bid
Grand Prairie, TX 75050 Group 2 - $1,690,377.30
*The LETCO Group, 1901 California Crossing Rd. Group 1 - $200,814.74
LLC dba Living Earth Dallas TX 75220 Group 2 - $1,980,000.00
*Green Dream 32 West 8th St. Group 1 - $110,811.98
International LLC Suite 607 Group 2 - $ 906,494.40
Erie; PA 16501
ABventure Designs, 1913 Jade Group 1 - $269,604.70
LLC Rockwall, TX 75087 Group 2 - No bid
Bedrock LLC 10813 Highway 257 Spur Group 1 - No bid
Greeley, CO 80634 Group 2 - $3,186,000.00
GWG Wood Group, 2797 Millers Ferry Rd. Group1 - No bid
Inc. Ferris, TX 75125 Group 2 - $792,000.00
Naturomulch, LLC
Omprakash Goyal, Owner
The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth
Manny Rodriquez, Chief Executive Officer
Green Dream International LLC
Varand Vartanian, President