STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: September 20, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Budget and Management Services
EXECUTIVE: Jack Ireland
An ordinance amending Chapters 2, 7, 8A, 12B, 15D, 16, 18, 27, 42B, 43A, 48B, 49, 50, 51A and 52 of the Dallas City Code to (1) adjust fees related to consumer affairs; (2) adjust rates and charges for sanitation collection and disposal of solid waste services; (3) adjusting fees for garage sale permits; (4) adjust rates and charges for floodplain and drainage management, and stormwater drainage; (5) adjust fees for animal adoption, breeding permit, dangerous dog registration, and aggressive dog registration; (6) adjust the registration fee and reinspection fee for boarding home facilities; (7) adjust the convenience store fee and inspection fee; (8) adjust the transport fee for emergency ambulance services; (9) adjust fees for open burning, public assembly fire inspection, hazardous materials, and high-rise building/residential inspections; (10) adjust the fee for tire businesses; (11) adjust the registration fee and reinspection fee for rental properties; (12) adjust the short-term rental registration and reinspection fee; (13) adjust the certification of manager of operations fee for swimming pools; (14) adjust the registration fee for vacant buildings and vacant lots; (15) adjust rates and charges for treated water service, wastewater service, wholesale water, and wastewater service to governmental entities, additional water meters, untreated water service, service connections, and fire hydrant usage; (16) adjust fees for wood vendors; (17) adjust the license fee for electronic repair establishments; (18) adjust the license fee for motor vehicle repair establishments; (19) adjust fees for home repair; (20) adjust the registration fee for credit access business; (21) adjust the municipal setting designation fee; (22) adjust the certificate of occupancy inspection fee; (23) providing a penalty not to exceed $2,000; (24) providing a saving clause; (25) providing a severability clause; and (26) providing an effective date - Estimated Revenue: General Fund ($3,578,603), Dallas Water Utilities Fund ($23,617,429), Sanitation Operation Fund ($6,016,297), and Stormwater Drainage Management Fund ($7,660,230)
In compliance with the City’s Financial Performance Management Criteria (FMPC) #12, the City conducts an annual review of selected fees and charges to determine the extent to which the City is recovering the full cost of associated services. The FY 2023-24 budget includes changes to various fees. This ordinance will adjust fees authorized for various Code Compliance Services, Animal Services, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Inspection and Life Safety Education, and Municipal Setting Designation Application. There is an estimated increase of $3,578,603 to General Fund revenues in accordance with the fee study.
The Water Utilities Department is supported solely by revenues from the sale of water and wastewater services. This ordinance will adjust fees and retail and wholesale rates to provide sufficient revenues for furnishing water and wastewater service to Dallas and its customer cities. Estimated increase of $23,617,429 to Dallas Water Utilities revenues.
Sanitation Services residential collection is supported by fees charged to recover the cost of providing once-weekly residential garbage and recycling collection, citywide dead animal collection, and monthly brush and bulk collection. Additionally, the McCommas Bluff Landfill is supported by a portion of residential collection fees allocated for disposal and by revenues from customers using the landfill for disposal of solid waste. Estimated increase of $6,016,297 to Sanitation revenues.
The Stormwater Drainage Management fees support City efforts to ensure compliance with state and federal surface water regulations and maintain stormwater drainage and flood protection systems. Estimated increase of $7,660,230 to Stormwater Drainage Management revenues.
The City Council was briefed on the “City Manager’s Recommended Biennial Budget for FY 2023-24 and FY 2024-25” on August 8, 2023. This presentation included information about the proposed fee adjustments.
Estimated Revenue:
• General Fund $3,578,603
• Dallas Water Utilities Fund $23,617,429
• Sanitation Operation Fund $6,016,297
• Stormwater Drainage Management $7,660,230