STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Mobility Solutions, Infrastructure, and Sustainability
AGENDA DATE: August 11, 2021
DEPARTMENT: Department of Transportation
EXECUTIVE: Majed Al-Ghafry
An ordinance granting an amendment to the City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan to delete Chenault Street from Buckner Boulevard to City of Dallas City Limits and delete Unnamed NE1 from Chenault Street to Interstate Highway 30 - Financing: No cost consideration to the City (This item was deferred on April 14, 2021)
Chapel Downs Dallas, LLC, requested an amendment to the City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan to delete Chenault Street from Buckner Boulevard to City of Dallas City Limits; and delete Unnamed NE1 from Chenault Street to Interstate Highway (IH)-30 from the Thoroughfare Plan. Chenault Street is on the Thoroughfare Plan as a standard four-lane undivided roadway in 60 feet of right-of-way (S-4-U). East of Buckner Boulevard Chenault Street is not built to the Thoroughfare Plan standard and on the applicant’s property the roadway has not been built. Unnamed NE1 is on the Thoroughfare Plan as a standard four-lane undivided roadway in 60 feet of right-of-way (S-4-U), this roadway has not been built. The City of Dallas does not own all the required right-of-way to build these two roads.
The applicant is proposing to build a new public charter school campus and will need the proposed extension of Chenault Street removed to allow for full development of their property. Based on the Traffic Impact Study completed by Elizabeth Crowe Engineering Associations, PLLC, all the surrounding streets can handle all additional trips generated by this new school. They are proposing all access to the campus for staff and parents dropping off and picking up their children will be from the westbound IH-30 Frontage Road. The site plan and transportation management plan has been designed to accommodate peak queuing condition on their property.
All City departments that responded to the routing recommended denial, including the Department of Planning and Urban Design and the Department of Sustainable Development and Construction, as did the Texas Department of Transportation. It was also determined by staff that the removal of these roadways from the Thoroughfare Plan would not promote the forwardDallas! Guiding Principles of Efficiency and Safety. The guiding principle of efficiency states transportation systems should ensure swift and cost-effective movement of goods and people inside Dallas and beyond; and safety states the transportation network should provide safe and timely access to housing, jobs, shopping, services, and recreation.
On January 7, 2021, the City Plan Commission Thoroughfare Committee acted on this item. The Committee recommended approval of: (1) changing the designation of Chenault Street from Buckner Boulevard to City of Dallas City Limits from a standard four-lane undivided roadway in 60 feet of right-of-way (S-4-U) to a minimum two-lane undivided roadway in 50 feet of right-of-way (M-2-U) in lieu of removing this section of Chenault Street from the thoroughfare plan as requested by the applicant; and (2) changing the designation of Unnamed NE1 from Chenault Street to IH-30 from a standard four-lane undivided roadway in 60 feet of right-of-way (S-4-U) to a minimum two-lane undivided roadway in 50 feet of right-of-way (M-2-U) in lieu of removing this section of Unnamed NE1 from the thoroughfare plan as requested by the applicant.
On February 4, 2021, the City Plan Commission acted on this item and followed applicants request to delete Chenault Street from Buckner Boulevard to City of Dallas City Limits and delete Unnamed NE1 from Chenault Street to IH-30 from the City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan.
On April 14, 2021, this item was deferred by Councilmember Bazaldua.
No cost consideration to the City.