STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Kimberly Bizor Tolbert
Authorize a construction services contract for the Bachman Dam and Spillway Improvement Project - Rebcon, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $43,179,000.00 - Financing: Water Construction Fund ($18,679,000.00), and Water Capital Improvement G Fund ($24,500,000.00)
The Bachman Dam and Spillway was built in 1901 and is located adjacent to the Bachman Lake Park northwest of Love Field Airport. The area is a highly utilized park with features such as a hike and bike trail, recreation center and aquatics center, and planned improvements including a skate park and connections to adjacent green belt style recreation areas. In 2016, the City Council authorized a feasibility study that yielded three alternatives for Bachman Lake. A Task Force made up of City staff and council district appointed representatives evaluated the issues and alternatives and recommended to “Maintain the Lake.” This recommendation was briefed to the Mobility Solutions, Infrastructure and Sustainability Committee on April 8, 2019, who voted to approve the recommendation.
Following this recommendation, Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) has undertaken efforts for dredging at Bachman Lake as well as dam and spillway improvements to ensure dam safety and regulatory compliance and to minimize flood risk. The dredging work was completed in February 2023 and design plans and specifications for the Bachman Dam and Spillway Improvements Project have been developed and a construction project was bid in July 2023. The project includes the rehabilitation of the Bachman dam and spillway to address regulatory flood capacity as well as structural and stability recommendations. These improvements will ensure dam safety and regulatory compliance, minimize flood risk, and allow residents to enjoy the lake for years to come. The rehabilitation improvements will significantly reduce the potential of a breach by replacing the existing service spillway to improve capacity along with moving and widening the auxiliary spillway to pass flood events safely. Additional improvements include hardening the earthen embankment to protect the dam and comply with Texas Commission Environmental Quality dam safety guidelines, replacement of the railroad bridge that spans the existing spillway used for deliveries to the Bachman Water Treatment Plant, and replacement of the trail along the top of the earthen dam.
This action will authorize a construction services contract with Rebcon, LLC for the Bachman Dam and Spillway Improvement Project. Construction work is anticipated to begin late Fall or early this Winter and be completed within approximately 24 months.
DWU has worked with the City Auditor in accordance with Administrative Directive 4-05 to conduct an attestation since the project cost was expected to exceed $50 million.
The following chart illustrates Rebcon, LLC contractual activities with the City of Dallas for the past three years.
Projects Completed 0 1 0 0
Change Orders 0 0 0 0
Projects Requiring Liquidated Damages 0 0 0 0
Projects Completed by Bonding Company 0 0 0 0
Begin Construction November 2023
Complete Construction December 2025
This item has no prior action.
Fund |
FY 2023 |
FY 2024 |
Future Years |
Water Construction Fund |
$18,679,000.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Water Capital Improvement G Fund |
$24,500,000.00 |
$0.00 |
$0.00 |
Total |
$43,179,000.00 |
Council District Amount
2 $ 4,317,900.00
6 $32,384,250.00
13 $ 6,476,850.00
Total $43,179,000.00
In accordance with the City’s Business Inclusion and Development Policy adopted on September 23, 2020, by Resolution No. 20-1430, as amended, the M/WBE participation on this contract is as follows:
Contract Amount |
Procurement Category |
M/WBE Goal |
$43,179,000.00 |
Construction |
32.00% |
M/WBE Subcontracting % |
M/WBE Overall % |
M/WBE Overall Participation $ |
15.00% |
15.00% |
$6,473,216.94 |
• This contract does not meet the M/WBE goal, but complies with good faith efforts. |
• Rebcon, LLC- Non-local; Workforce - 22.00% Local |
The following four bids with quotes were opened on July 14, 2023:
*Denotes successful bidder
Bidders Bid Amount
*Rebcon, LLC $43,179,000.00
1868 West Northwest Highway
Dallas, Texas 75220
Thalle Construction Co., Inc. $47,379,400.00
Sema Construction, Inc. $48,388,200.00
Rust Constructors, Inc. $53,962,400.00
Rebcon, LLC
Danny Krieg, President