STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Quality of Life, Arts & Culture
AGENDA DATE: October 23, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Park & Recreation Department
EXECUTIVE: John D. Jenkins
A public hearing, pursuant to Chapter 26 of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, to receive comments on the proposed use of a portion of parkland at Flag Pole Hill Park located at 951 Winfrey Point Way, totaling approximately 29,355 square feet of land and temporary use of approximately 17,114 square feet of land, by Dallas Water Utilities for the construction of two 60-inch stormwater lines for the Guildhall-McCree Storm Drainage Relief System Project, for the public benefit - Estimated Revenue: Capital Gifts, Donation & Development Fund $36,800.00
107 acres located at 951 Winfrey Point Way, on the northeast side of Dallas. The park is currently used for active recreation with Flag Pole Hill Trail running through the park.
The Dallas Water Utilities Department (DWU) currently maintains one 60-inch stormwater line in the park constructed in 1968. This stormwater line no longer meets the stormwater needs of this area of the City-streets temporarily flood during significant storm events. To meet current and future stormwater needs DWU proposes to construct two additional 60-inch stormwater lines parallel to the existing stormwater. The outfall of the three lines will be in the same location as the current outfall in the park, approximately eighty feet from the drainage way.
The use of parkland will require approximate 29,355 square feet (0.67 acres) public utility easements in parkland, and temporary workspace of approximately 17,114 square feet (0.40 acres) of parkland (Exhibit A). The project will not impact the existing trail and upon completion DWU will restore the site including planting trees, such planting to be coordinated with the Park Department’s Forester.
In consideration for this conveyance by easement, DWU will pay the fair market value of $36,800.00 for these easements, as determined by an independent appraisal.
DWU agrees as condition of the conveyance of easements to:
1. Permit future construction of any park amenities and other improvements within the easement.
2. Coordinate construction work with the Dallas Park & Recreation Department (PKR) staff to minimize disruption to the park, and should the work require the trail to be closed for any period of time, an alternate route, or flaggers if possible, shall be provided by DWU to provide minimal disruption to trail use. Any damage to the trail, park driveway, or any parkland, shall be repaired or replaced by DWU as determined by PKR staff.
3. Coordinate with PKR operations for future construction, maintenance, and operations of DWU utilities within the parkland to minimize disruption of use and operation of the park.
4. Request approval from the Director of PKR should DWU’s operations, maintenance, or construction require DWU to disrupt, demolish, or modify any improvements, vegetation, or terrain within the easements or park, except for in a situation which affects the public’s immediate health, safety, or welfare, in which case DWU shall notify the Director of PKR as soon as possible of such activities. In any case, repair or replacement of park improvements or vegetation damaged or damage to terrain as the result of DWU activities, shall be at the discretion of the Director of PKR, and shall be at DWU’s sole cost with no cost to PKR.
5. Schedule DWU’s project and relocation of existing park amenities and construction of new amenities with the Director of PKR to minimize disruption to park operations
6. The easements shall provide for a release at no cost to Park and Recreation Department when and if DWU abandons the easements.
In compliance with the law, the City must determine that there is a need, that there is no feasible and prudent alternative, and that all reasonable care will be taken not to damage the remainder of the park property and to mitigate any disruption of park services.
In accordance with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Code, Chapter 26 (Sections 26.001 through 26.004) the City Council must advertise and hold a public hearing on the change of use of parkland.
On September 5, 2024, the Park and Recreation Board authorized a public hearing to be held on October 23, 2024.
On September 25, 2024, the City Council authorized a public hearing to be held on October 23, 2024, by Resolution No. 24-1416.
Estimated Revenue: Capital Gifts, Donation & Development Fund $36,800.00