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File #: 25-910A    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CONSENT AGENDA Status: Approved
File created: 2/28/2025 In control: Office of Arts and Culture
On agenda: 3/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize and establish the FY 2025-26 Community Artists Program (CAP) and CAP Guidelines to provide artist services upon request by artists and non-profit organizations to teach, perform, and exhibit at host facilities in Dallas, to further the goals of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 and support cultural services in the city of Dallas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City
Indexes: Citywide
Attachments: 1. Resolution, 2. Exhibit A
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
No records to display.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY:                     Vibrant

AGENDA DATE:                     March 26, 2025

COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                     Citywide

DEPARTMENT:                     Office of Arts and Culture

EXECUTIVE:                     M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira





Authorize and establish the FY 2025-26 Community Artists Program (CAP) and CAP Guidelines to provide artist services upon request by artists and non-profit organizations to teach, perform, and exhibit at host facilities in Dallas, to further the goals of the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 and support cultural services in the city of Dallas - Financing: No cost consideration to the City





The updated Cultural Policy of the City of Dallas, adopted on November 28, 2018, provides that guidelines for the various Cultural Support Programs will be submitted for review and approval of the City Council. This serves to affirm the artistic nature of services to be provided through these various cultural programs and to specify the review and selection process for cultural services.


The Community Artist Program (CAP) provides artist services to Dallas communities by African, Latinx, Asian, Arab, Native American (ALAANA) and other individual artists and non-profit organizations to teach, perform, and exhibit at host facilities in neighborhoods in the city of Dallas. CAP cultivates collaborations between artists and communities. Services are requested of CAP artists and organizations by the Office of Arts and Culture (OAC) on an as-needed basis. Any organization that is presenting an event that is free and open to the public in the city of Dallas may request a CAP service from the Office of Arts and Culture. This program was originally known as the Neighborhood Touring Program and has been a service of the OAC since the creation of the department in 1989.


The CAP goals are:


1. To provide opportunities for Dallas neighborhood residents and organizations to have greater access to the arts and cultural expression exposing them to and educating them on ALAANA art forms and/or traditions heightening resident understanding of the unique contributions of the city’s various cultures to the community in Dallas.



2. To create opportunities for ALAANA artists to participate in events throughout Dallas which showcase and celebrate the community’s unique history, diversity, and varied racial and ethnic heritage.

3. To provide support and opportunities for arts programing through which ALAANA artists and organizations can teach, perform, and exhibit at host facilities in neighborhoods in the city of Dallas.

4. To promote collaborations between the arts and community entities, such as business, government, and the non-profit sector, for the purpose of community development.


The Dallas Cultural Plan 2018 and the updated Cultural Policy were adopted following a year-long cultural planning effort, which included in-depth regional, national and international research, engagement across every zip code and district in the city, and analysis of City plans and collaboration with Dallas residents, artists, organizations, City staff and leaders. Nearly 9,000 Dallas residents were engaged in this process to develop over one hundred initiatives and strategies under these six priorities: equity, diversity, space, support for artists, sustainable arts ecosystem, and communications.


CAP seeks to improve equity and diversity through expanded and adapted programmatic offerings in Dallas neighborhoods.


Cultural Support Programs will continue to be brought forward for City Council approval from time to time as the OAC continues to implement initiatives and strategies identified in the Dallas Cultural Plan 2018.




On March 6, 2025, the Allocations Committee of the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission voted to recommend this item to the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission.


On March 20, 2025, the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission voted to recommend this item to the City Council.


The Quality of Life, Arts and Culture Committee was briefed by memorandum regarding this matter on March 25, 2025.




No cost consideration to the City.