STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: June 22, 2022
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Elizabeth Reich
Authorize a three-year service contract, with one one-year renewal option, for parking meter and citation management for the Department of Transportation - SP Plus Corporation, most advantageous proposer of five - Not to exceed $9,659,302.50 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a service contract is to establish firm pricing for services, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis.
This service contract will engage the services of a firm to assist the Parking Enforcement Division of the Department of Transportation which currently relies on three vendors to support parking citation processing parking meter maintenance, and related activities. This includes the database of current citations, the web portal for paying citations, many aspects of issuing various permits, as well as all functions of the parking meter maintenance, which includes coin collection, meter repair, and reporting. This allows the Parking Enforcement Division to focus their efforts on robust enforcement and customer service.
A five-member committee from the following departments reviewed and evaluated the qualifications:
• Department of Transportation (2)
• Building Services Department (1)
• Police Department (1)
• Office of Procurement Services (1)*
*The Office of Procurement Services only evaluated the cost and local preference if applicable.
The committee selected the successful respondent on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications under the following criteria:
• Experience 35 points
• Overall approach and methodology 30 points
• Cost 30 points
• Local Preference 5 points
As part of the solicitation process and in an effort to increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services used its procurement system to send out email notifications to vendors registered under relevant commodity codes. To further increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services uses historical solicitation information, the Internet, and vendor contact information obtained from user departments to contact additional vendors.
On November 10, 2015, the City Council authorized a living wage policy that requires contractors to pay their employees a “living wage” rate as established annually by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator for Dallas County by Resolution No. 15-2141. The current calculated living wage during the solicitation process of this contract is $15.21; the selected vendor meets this requirement.
On June 15, 2016, City Council authorized a five-year service contract, with a one-year renewal option, for parking services to include citations management, parking management services, parking meter maintenance, parking meter collections, reconciliation and counting services, parking lot maintenance, mobile applications payments and mobile applications by Resolution No 16-1007.
On May 20, 2021 City Council was briefed by memorandum regarding planned extensions of the current contracts and detailing the vendors roles.
On December 8, 2021, City Council authorized (1) Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to increase the service contract with Conduent State & Local Solutions, lnc. for parking citation and collection system for the Department of Transportation, in an amount not to exceed $760,374.00, increasing the service contract amount from $5,627,200.00 to $6,387,574.00; and (2) the ratification of $461,426.00 for the Department of Transportation to pay outstanding invoices parking citation and collection system, increasing the service contract amount from $6,387,574.00 to $6,849,000.00, in a total amount not to exceed $1,221,800.00 by Resolution No. 21-1991.
Fund |
FY 2022 |
FY 2023 |
Future Years |
General Fund |
$268,314.00 |
$3,075,000.00 |
$6,315,988.50 |
In accordance with the City’s Business Inclusion and Development Policy adopted on September 23, 2020, by Resolution No. 20-1430, as amended, the M/WBE participation on this contract is as follows:
Contract Amount |
Procurement Category |
M/WBE Goal |
M/WBE % |
M/WBE $ |
$9,659,302.50 |
Other Services |
N/A |
6.47% |
$625,000.00 |
• *This item reflects previous Business Inclusion and Development Policy M/WBE goal. |
• The Business inclusion and Development Policy does not apply to Other Service contracts, however the prime contractor is subcontracting with certified M/WBEs. |
• SP Plus Corporation - Local; Workforce - 100.00% Local |
Method of Evaluation for Award Type:
Request for Competitive |
• Utilized for high technology procurements, insurance procurements, and other goods and services |
Sealed Proposal |
• Recommended offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the City, considering the relative importance of price, and other evaluation factors stated in the specifications |
• Always involves a team evaluation |
• Allows for negotiation on contract terms, including price |
The Office of Procurement Services received the following proposals from solicitation number BG22-00018902. We opened them on April 15, 2022. This service contract is being awarded by group to the most advantageous proposer.
*Denotes successful proposer
Proposers Address Score
*SP Plus Corporation 1700 Pacific Ave. Group A - 88.25
Suite 1890 Group B - 90.25
Dallas, TX 75201
Passport Labs, Inc. 128 South Tryon St. Group A - 83.75
Suite 1000 Group B - No Bid
Charlotte, NC 28202
**Conduent State & Local 100 Campus Dr. Group A - 79.59
Solutions, Inc. Suite 200E Group B - 87.30
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Ace Parking III, LLC 645 Ash St. Group A - 79.15
San Diego, CA 92101 Group B - 87.20
Data Ticket, Inc. 2603 Main St. Group A - 79.09
Suite 300 Group B - No Bid
Irvine, CA 92614
**The City has received a protest regarding this procurement which has been addressed. Please find attached the vendor protest letter and the City's response.
SP Plus Corporation
Marc Baumann, Chief Executive Officer
Rob Toy, President