AGENDA DATE: March 20, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Department of Planning and Development
An application for 1) a planned development district for certain nonresidential uses and to maintain the areas with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay and 2) consideration of an MU-1 Mixed Use District with a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use and to maintain the areas with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on property zoned a CR Community Retail District and CS Commercial Service District with a D-1 Overlay, and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the southeast line of South Belt Line Road, southwest of C.F. Hawn Freeway.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for a twenty-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a planned development district for certain nonresidential uses.
Applicant: Milan Nguyen (sole owner), MNCN Development, LLC
Representative: Karl A. Crawley, Masterplan
Planner: Sarah May, AICP
U/A From: February 6, 2025.
Council District: 8