STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Quality of Life, Arts, and Culture
AGENDA DATE: December 11, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Office of Arts and Culture
EXECUTIVE: M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira
Authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Dallas Black Dance Theatre, Incorporated (DBDT) for the provision of artistic services to the City through the Cultural Organizations Program for a period ending September 30, 2025 in an amount not to exceed $248,435.00, subject to one of the following occurring on or before April 15, 2025: (i) a decision by the National Labor Relations Board finding that DBDT has not violated the National Labor Relations Act in Case Nos. 16-CA-343777, 16-CA-347632, 16-CA347638, and 16-CA-348257; or (ii) the execution of a settlement agreement between DBDT and the American Guild of Musical Artists - Not to exceed $248,435.00 - Financing: General Fund
The Cultural Organizations Program (COP) provides funding for cultural services with established Dallas-based non-profit cultural organizations to support an array of programs, including concerts, plays, exhibitions, performances, workshops, and other cultural services, including virtual cultural services, over a twelve-month period. The Office of Arts and Culture (OAC) reviewed proposals from cultural organizations and applied objective administrative scoring per the revised program guidelines, which were approved by City Council in February 2024. Proposals and scores were analyzed by the Allocations Committee of the Arts and Culture Advisory Commission. Considering equity, administrative scoring, and organization budget size, the Allocations Committee met three times over the summer and developed a funding recommendation unanimously approved by this standing committee. This recommendation, which included COP funding for Dallas Black Dance Theater, Incorporated (DBDT) in the amount of $248,...
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