STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Economic Development
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Department of Planning and Urban Design
EXECUTIVE: Majed Al-Ghafry
A public hearing to receive comments regarding an application for and (1) an ordinance granting an IR Industrial Research District; (2) an ordinance granting the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1861 for an industrial (inside) potentially incompatible use limited to the refining of precious metals; and (3) a resolution accepting the termination of the existing deed restrictions [Z101-223] on property zoned an IM Industrial Manufacturing District on the west line of Gemini Lane, south of Royal Lane
Recommendation of Staff: (1) Approval of an IR Industrial Research District; (2) approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1861; and (3) approval of the termination of existing deed restrictions [Z101-223]
Recommendation of CPC: (1) Approval of an IR Industrial Research District; (2) approval of the termination of Specific Use Permit No. 1861; and (3) approval of the termination of existing deed restrictions [Z101-223]
Note: This item was deferred by the City Council before opening the public hearing on September 13, 2023, and is scheduled for consideration on September 27, 2023.