STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):|910|DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Robert Perez
Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of the Joppa Infrastructure Improvements (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of three - Not to exceed $5,705,435.00 - Financing: Equity Fund ($2,620,080.00), Community Development Block Grant Fund ($1,000,000.00), Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund ($500,000.00), Water Construction Fund ($618,932.50), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($59,000.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($907,422.50)
This action will authorize a construction services contract with Estrada Concrete Company, LLC for the construction of the Joppa Infrastructure Improvements.
In September 2022, this infrastructure project was identified and funded for improvement in alignment with the Racial Equity Plan's audacious goals for the Joppa community.
The scope of services consists of replacing the existing deteriorating streets with reinforced concrete pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, driveway approaches, drainage improvements, water and wastewater improvements, and other miscellaneous items necessary to complete the project in accordance with plans and specifications.
Following are the locations and construction costs for each project:
Project Council District Amount
Stokes Street from Hull Avenue|99|$2,497,269.50
to the End of Pavement
Hull Avenue from 300 feet south of |99|$3,208,165.50
Linfield Road to Burma Road
Estrada Concrete Company, LLC is a Hutchins-based corporation and is a registered vendor with the City of Dallas.
The following chart illustrates Estrada Concrete Company, LLC's contractual activities with the City of Dallas for the past three years.
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