STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance and Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: February 12, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson
Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of fire hoses for the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department - Allsource Enterprises of Texas LLC dba Safe Industries, Casco Industries, Inc., Siddons Martin Emergency Group, LLC, Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc., and Jacques Diffouo Nguessu dba Hadron Engineering Services LLC, lowest responsible bidders of five - Estimated amount of $1,364,891.00 - Financing: General Fund
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a master agreement is to establish firm pricing for goods, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis according to annual budgetary appropriations. The estimated amount is intended as guidance rather than a cap on spending under the agreement, so that actual need combined with the amount budgeted will determine the amount spent under this agreement.
This master agreement will provide for the purchase of fire hoses for the Dallas Fire-Rescue Department (DFR). These hoses are used to keep fire apparatus and vehicles in service for the purpose of suppressing any fire within the City and surrounding suburbs. DFR has one-hundred and fifty (150) apparatus and vehicles in which the fire hoses are mounted. The fire apparatus and vehicles are housed at various stations throughout the City and are used at all fire emergency scenes.
The fire hoses supplied must have an independent third-party testing firm certify the methods of construction and various testing is in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1961 Standard on Fire Hose, most recent edition. Departments will manage the vendor utilization according to specialization, demand and capacity of each vendor ...
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