STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Jack Ireland
Authorize (1) a one-year service contract with Harmony Community Development Corporation in the an amount not to exceed of $300,000; (2) a one-year service contract with Under 1 Roof in the an amount not to exceed of $295,300; and (3) a one-year service contract with Crossroads Community Services, Inc. in the an amount not to exceed of $204,700, for programs to mitigate Drivers of Poverty for on behalf of the Office of Community Care - most advantageous proposers of fifteen - Total not to exceed $800,000 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a service contract is to establish firm pricing for services, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis.
These service contracts will provide services to address for programs to mitigate Drivers of Poverty programming services for the Office of Community Care. The contracts focus on providing residents with food accessibility services, mental health services, positive youth development services, and client financial assistance services while also expanding on the work established through the Coronavirus Relief Fund. Services approved through this action will address Drivers of Poverty identified in the Mayor's Task Force on Poverty, focusing on providing residents access to food and direct client assistance. Additionally, tThese service contracts expand on the work to alleviate communities with concentrated poverty detailed in the Economic Opportunity Assessment and services are directed towards populations issues have been identified by the Mayor's Drivers of Poverty tTask fForce, will alleviate communities with concentrated poverty addresse...
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