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File #: 25-816A    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CONSENT AGENDA Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/24/2025 In control: Office of Procurement Services
On agenda: 3/26/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize (1) a three-year service price agreement for the purchase and installation of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - Naturomulch, LLC in the estimated amount of $1,690,377.30; and (2) a three-year master agreement for the purchase of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth in the estimated amount of $200,814.74 and Green Dream International LLC in the estimated amount of $110,811.98, lowest responsible bidders of six - Total estimated amount of $2,002,004.02 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Indexes: Citywide
Attachments: 1. Resolution
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AGENDA DATE: March 26, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson

Authorize (1) a three-year service price agreement for the purchase and installation of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - Naturomulch, LLC in the estimated amount of $1,690,377.30; and (2) a three-year master agreement for the purchase of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department - The LETCO Group, LLC dba Living Earth in the estimated amount of $200,814.74 and Green Dream International LLC in the estimated amount of $110,811.98, lowest responsible bidders of six - Total estimated amount of $2,002,004.02 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)


This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of these agreements is to establish firm pricing for services and goods, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis according to annual budgetary appropriations. The estimated amounts are intended as guidance rather than a cap on spending under the agreement, so that actual need combined with the amount budgeted will determine the amount spent under these agreements.

These agreements will provide for the purchase and installation of a variety of mulching materials for the Park & Recreation Department. Mulch materials help to conserve and extend available water, protect soil from erosion, reduce competition by suppressing weeds, moderate temperature extremes and acts as a barrier or visible marker of gardening beds to limit damage by landscape maintenance equipment. These mulching materials will be used throughout the City's various parks, playgrounds, recreation centers, service centers and other facilities. In addition, this purchase will assist the City in its facility-specific condition monitoring, predictive, and pr...

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