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File #: 20-1220    Version: 1 Name:
Type: BRIEFING ITEMS Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/10/2020 In control: Housing and Homelessness Solutions Committee
On agenda: 6/22/2020 Final action:
Title: Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program: Update, Needs, and Forecast [David Noguera, Director, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, Thor Erickson, Project Manager, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, Candy Coblyn, Manager III, Office of Community Care, Jessica Galleshaw, Director, Office of Community Care]
Attachments: 1. Presentation
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Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program: Update, Needs, and Forecast

[David Noguera, Director, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, Thor Erickson, Project Manager, Department of Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization, Candy Coblyn, Manager III, Office of Community Care, Jessica Galleshaw, Director, Office of Community Care]