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File #: 25-294A    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CONSENT AGENDA Status: Approved
File created: 1/14/2025 In control: Park & Recreation Department
On agenda: 2/12/2025 Final action:
Title: Authorize a decrease in the construction services contract with RoeschCo Construction LLC for the construction of the Trinity Strand Trail Phase II, from Inwood Road DART Station to Turtle Creek Boulevard for the deletion of traffic signal foundations, addition of three pole protection pads, removal of cable railings, and replacement of Americans with Disabilities Act accessible ramp and truncated dome pavers to comply with requests from the Department of Transportation and Public Works - Not to exceed $155,400.00, from $6,372,766.08 to $6,217,366.08 - Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements (A) Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Fund)
Indexes: 2, 6
Attachments: 1. Map, 2. Resolution
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
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STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Quality of Life, Arts, and Culture
AGENDA DATE: February 12, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Park & Recreation Department
EXECUTIVE: John D. Jenkins

Authorize a decrease in the construction services contract with RoeschCo Construction LLC for the construction of the Trinity Strand Trail Phase II, from Inwood Road DART Station to Turtle Creek Boulevard for the deletion of traffic signal foundations, addition of three pole protection pads, removal of cable railings, and replacement of Americans with Disabilities Act accessible ramp and truncated dome pavers to comply with requests from the Department of Transportation and Public Works - Not to exceed $155,400.00, from $6,372,766.08 to $6,217,366.08 - Financing: Street and Transportation Improvements (A) Fund (2012 General Obligation Bond Fund)


This action will authorize Change Order No. 3 to the construction services contract with RoeschCo Construction, LLC for the deletion of traffic signal foundations, addition of three pole protection pads, removal of cable railings, and replacement of Americans with Disabilities Act accessible ramp and truncated dome pavers to comply with requests from the Department of Transportation and Public Works. The original scope of work was for the construction of the Trinity Strand Trail Phase II.

This change results in a decrease of $155,400.00, decreasing the contract amount from $6,372,766.08 to $6,217,366.08.


Began Construction April 2021
Completed Construction April 2024


On October 1, 2020, the Park and Recreation Board authorized a construction contract with RoeschCo Construction, LLC for the construction of the Trinity Strand Trail - Phase II Project from the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Inwood/Love Field Station located at 2720 Inwood Road to Turtle Creek Boulev...

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