STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):|910|DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Kimberly Bizor Tolbert
Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of an 84-inch diameter water transmission main under the Trinity River located between I-45 and SH-310 - Southland Contracting, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $23,877,520.00 - Financing: Water Construction Fund ($23,877,520.00)
Dallas Water Utilities owns and operates an existing 72-inch diameter water transmission pipeline which is a critical part of the water distribution system supplying water to areas of Central and South Dallas. A portion of the existing pipeline failed near the crossing of the Trinity River between I-45 and SH-310, and upon repair and subsequent inspection it was determined that leaving the pipeline in service at the existing depth and alignment would significantly increase the likelihood of another failure due to ongoing river erosion. In response, an expedited design was completed to lower the pipeline at the river crossing to ensure the utility was contained within a rock stratum that would protect the pipeline from any future erosion. The deep installation requires significant excavation and shoring along with new pipeline appurtenances, including air release and isolation valves, to maintain maximum operability. The design was completed in such a way to ensure the existing pipeline could remain in service and connections to the existing system require minimal service interruption.
This action will authorize a construction contract with Southland Contracting, Inc. for the installation of approximately 1,050 feet of 72-inch and 84-inch diameter water mains. The project includes a 350-foot-long tunnel section that crosses under the Trinity River between I-45 and SH-31...
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