STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: October 23, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson
Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of lead-free brass fittings for the Dallas Water Utilities Department - Mueller Co. LLC in an estimated amount of $396,000.00, North Texas Winwater Co. in an estimated amount of $371,000.00, Fortiline, Inc. dba Fortiline Waterworks in an estimated amount of $167,500.00, Core & Main LP in an estimated amount of $77,000.00, Consolidated Pipe and Supply in an estimated amount of $2,000.00, Ferguson Enterprises in an estimated amount of $1,000.00, and James Jones Company in an estimated amount of $1,000.00, lowest responsible bidders of seven - Total estimated amount of $1,015,500.00 - Financing: Dallas Water Utilities Fund
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a master agreement is to establish firm pricing for goods, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis according to annual budgetary appropriations. The estimated amount is intended as guidance rather than a cap on spending under the agreement, so that actual need combined with the amount budgeted will determine the amount spent under this agreement.
This master agreement will provide for lead-free brass fittings for the Dallas Water Utilities Department. The City utilizes various types and sizes of brass fittings for general service, water main repairs, and new installations. The City performs approximately 750 water main repairs, 1,100 general service repairs, and 1,050 new installations annually.
State and Environmental Protection Agency regulations require the fittings to be certified by the National Sanitation Foundation due to the placement of the fittings within the water distribution system. All brass fittings that ...
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