STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Workforce, Education, & Equity
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Office of Community Care
EXECUTIVE: M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira
Authorize the City Manager to (1) accept the Advancing Economic Mobility Rapid Grant from the National League of Cities, in the amount of $15,000.00 to support increased benefits access through innovative and strategic marketing and outreach strategies project for the period of August 2, 2023 through December 15, 2023; (2) receive and deposit funds in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 In the NLC Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Fund; and (3) establish appropriations in an amount not to exceed $15,000.00 in the NLC Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Fund; and (4) execute the grant agreement and all terms, conditions and documents required by the agreement, approved as to form by the City Attorney - Not to exceed $15,000.00 - Financing: NLC Advancing Economic Mobility Grant Fund
The City of Dallas is one of eight cities to be selected to receive an Advancing Economic Mobility Rapid grant through the National League of Cities and receive technical assistance to help increase the City's efforts in promoting economic mobility for residents through financial empowerment and benefits enrollment/outreach in order to increase participation and overall benefit access in communities the City has identified as equity priority areas through the Racial Equity Plan.
The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support and food benefits to pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children. The City of Dallas Office of Community Care has been awarded funds through the WIC Community Innovation and Outreach Project (WIC CIAO) to develop, implement, and evaluate innovative outreach strategies to increase WI...
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