STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):|910|DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Robert Perez
Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Commerce Street from Good Latimer Expressway to Exposition Avenue - Rebcon LLC, lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $29,968,199.00 - Financing: 2023 Certificate of Obligation ($25,328,549.00), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($3,069,000.00), Water Construction Fund ($1,536,550.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($34,100.00)
This action will authorize a construction services contract with Rebcon LLC for the construction of Commerce Street from Good Latimer Expressway to Exposition Avenue.
This thoroughfare improvement project will convert the existing five lanes of one-way traffic into a two-lane two-way street with on-street parking. The scope of services consists of replacing the existing deteriorating pavement with new reinforced concrete pavement, storm drainage improvements, sidewalks, curb and gutter, drive approaches, signing and striping, traffic signals, pedestrian lighting, landscaping, streetscaping, water and wastewater main improvements, and other miscellaneous items necessary to complete the project. The scope also includes the conversion of Elm Street from Good Latimer Expressway to Exposition Avenue from a one-way traffic pattern to a two-way traffic pattern to complement Commerce Street.
Rebcon LLC is an Arlington-based corporation, operating within the corporate city limits of Dallas, Texas.
The following chart illustrates Rebcon LLC's contractual activities with the City of Dallas for the past three years.
Projects Completed|999 9 10|Active Projects|9 9 9 9 10|Change Orders|999 9 10|Projects Requiring Liquidated Damages|9 9 9 9 10|Projects Completed by...
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