STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Quality of Life, Arts, and Culture
AGENDA DATE: February 26, 2025
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S): 1, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 14
DEPARTMENT: Office of Bond and Construction Management
EXECUTIVE: Dev Rastogi
Authorize a design-build construction contract with G.P. Cooper Industries, Inc. dba Cooper General Contractors for design and preconstruction services, an early construction package, and architectural and engineering services for the design and construction of multiple public restroom accessibility renovations to achieve compliance with Texas Accessibility Standards at various locations - Not to exceed $567,224.00 - Financing: City Hall, City Service and Maintenance Facilities Fund (2006 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($127,444.00), Facilities (H) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) ($127,445.00), Library Facilities (D) Fund, and Cultural and Performing Arts Facilities (E) Fund (2024 General Obligation Bond Funds) ($312,335.00) (see Fiscal Information)
On November 7, 2006, the Dallas voters approved the 2006 General Obligation Bond Proposition 6. This bond provided funding for the design, construction, and improvements of equipping and furnishing city facilities, as well as city service and maintenance facilities. On November 7, 2017, Dallas voters approved the 2017 Special Bond Election Proposition H, which allocated funding for the design, construction, and improvements to City Hall and various city service administrative facilities.
On May 4, 2024, Dallas voters approved Proposition D of the 2024 General Obligation Bond Program. This funding was dedicated to the design, construction, and improvement of the city's library facilities. Voters also approved Proposition E on the same date, which provided funding for design, construction, and improvement of cultural arts facilities. Public restroom accessibility renovations were identified within the c...
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