STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Environmental & Sustainability
AGENDA DATE: December 13, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability
EXECUTIVE: M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira
Authorize a five-year Interlocal Agreement with the University of North Texas to continue the Environmental Education Initiative Program - Not to exceed $2,803,601.00 - Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This Interlocal Agreement will continue the Environmental Education Initiative (EEI) Program for the Water Conservation Division in the Office of Environmental Quality and Sustainability (OEQS).
Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is a major water provider in North Texas, serving over 2.4 million people within a 699 square mile service area. To ensure that the City of Dallas (City) is a good steward of its resources and remains compliant with regulatory water conservation and planning requirements, DWU initiated a multi-faceted water conservation program in 2001. The water conservation program is currently guided by the Water Conservation Five-Year Work Plan, adopted by Dallas City Council on June 15, 2016 (Resolution No. 16-0997). The plan includes a range of efforts classed as water system improvements, ordinance changes, or continued customer engagement. These water conservation efforts benefit the City and its residents in several ways: (1) reducing overall water consumption, thereby delaying the need to develop expensive new water supplies; (2) extending the life of existing water supplies and infrastructure; (3) reducing peak water demands and base capacity of the water system; and (4) lowering capital and operating costs of the existing water system. In short, being a good steward of water resources saves money and provides a wealth of other co-benefits for Dallas residents.
In FY 2006, DWU expanded its existing school educa...
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