STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S): 6, Outside City Limits
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Kimberly Bizor Tolbert
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the professional services contract with Alan Plummer and Associates, Inc. dba Plummer Associates, Inc. for additional engineering services related to programming and integration of new equipment associated with major maintenance rehabilitation and improvements at Dallas Water Utilities Water Treatment Plants - Not to exceed $1,047,782.00, from $4,558,000.00 to $5,605,782.00 - Financing: Water Construction Fund
Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) provides water to approximately 2.5 million customers in the City of Dallas and neighboring communities. DWU operates three potable water treatment plants: Bachman, Elm Fork, and East Side. The combined treatment capacity of these facilities is approximately 900 million gallons per day.
On August 12, 2020, the City Council authorized a professional services contract for the evaluation and design of high priority major maintenance improvements at each water treatment plant. As these treatment facilities and the associated equipment age, regulatory requirements and operational conditions change, and technology improves, treatment facilities and equipment need to be rehabilitated or upgraded to ensure reliable and quality water service to our customers.
On September 22, 2021, the City Council authorized Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to the professional services contract for the design of additional critical items identified during the evaluation process. These included additional electrical and instrumentation equipment upgrades and replacements, modifications to chemical facilities, and expansion to the process laboratory. It also provided services for construction administration of pr...
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