STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: December 13, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Jack Ireland
Authorize a five-year cooperative purchasing agreement for software defined wide-area network technology solution for the Department of Information and Technology Services with 22nd Century Technologies, Inc. through the General Services Administration cooperative agreement - Not to exceed $1,337,685.72 - Financing: Data Services Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a cooperative purchasing agreement is to establish firm pricing for services, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis.
This cooperative purchasing agreement will provide for software defined wide-area network technology solution for the Department of Information and Technology Services. This will provide software defined wide area network routers (SDWAN) including virtual firewalls to support the first 100 city critical sites to the new corresponding secondary internet circuits for the city's project. These 100 SDWAN routers will provide redundancy and security and the software overlay needed to manage all secondary paths for the critical sites to allow network traffic to control bandwidth, provide backup functionality, Disaster Recovery, business continuity functionality and/or to augment our existing internet network connectivity throughout the selected sites.
The Department of Information and Technology Services will use these SDWAN router/firewalls and software to ensure the City's' network will remain operable in case of a major outage at our current primary data center, City Hall. The entire City will benefit from the implementation of secondary circuits and their corresponding firewalls by virtue of providing the security and so...
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