STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Jack Ireland
Authorize a one-year service contract, with two one-year renewal options, with CitySquare for a Landlord Subsidized Leasing Program to be operated on behalf of the Office of Homeless Solutions for the period October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024, in an amount not to exceed $650,000 per year and an overall amount not to exceed $1,950,000 - Not to exceed $650,000 - Financing: General Fund (subject to appropriations)
The service contract will provide for a Landlord Subsidized Leasing Program to be operated on behalf of the Office of Homeless Solutions. This program will provide financial assistance for eligible homeless persons and risk mitigation funds for landlords. The goal is to reduce homelessness in the city through partnerships with organizations that provide housing and case management services for individuals experiencing homelessness. The types of services will focus on the following key priorities: preventing homelessness, protecting persons experiencing homelessness, promoting affordable housing solutions, and partnering with other organizations to maximize efforts and resources.
A three-member committee from the following departments reviewed and evaluated the qualifications:
* Office of Community Care (1)
* Office of Economic Development (1)
* Office of Homeless Solutions (1)
The committee selected the successful respondent on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications under the following criteria:
* Approach and methodology 40 points
* Experience 40 points
* Financial capacity and cost 20 points
As part of the solicitation process and in an effort to increase competition, the Office of Procurement Services (OPS)...
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