STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: October 23, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson
Authorize a one-year service contract for consultancy services to conduct a comprehensive economic impact analysis of the high-speed rails for the Department of Transportation and Public Works - The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., most advantageous proposer of three - Not to exceed $566,812.00 - Financing: Convention Center Construction Fund
This action does not encumber funds; the purpose of a service contract is to establish firm pricing for services, for a specific term, which are ordered on an as needed basis.
This service contract will provide for consultancy services to conduct a comprehensive economic impact analysis of the high-speed rails for the Department of Transportation and Public Works. Amtrak is leading efforts to build a Dallas to Houston High-Speed Rail. Concurrently, the North Central Texas Council of Governments is leading efforts to secure an alignment to Fort Worth that would provide a one seat ride on the High-Speed Rail to Houston.
A five-member committee from the following departments reviewed and evaluated the qualifications:
* City Controller's Office (1)
* Department of Convention and Events Services (1)
* Department of Transportation and Public Works (1)
* Department of Planning and Development (1)
* Office of Economic Development (1)
The committee selected the successful respondents on the basis of demonstrated competence and qualifications under the following criteria:
* Experience 40 points
* Approach 20 points
* Cost and timeframe 20 points
* Business and Inclusion Development Plan 15 points
* Local Preference 5 points
As part of the solicitation process and in an effort to increase compet...
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