STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Kimberly Bizor Tolbert
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 5 to the professional services contract with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. dba Stantec for construction phase services associated with the Bachman Dam and Spillway Improvement Project - Not to exceed $2,580,646.00, from $8,497,171.00 to $11,077,817.00 - Financing: Water Construction Fund ($2,081,025.00) and Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($499,621.00)
The Bachman Dam and Spillway was built in 1901 and is located adjacent to the Bachman Lake Park northwest of Love Field Airport. The area is a highly utilized park with features such as a hike and bike trail, recreation center, aquatics center and planned improvements including a skate park and future connections to adjacent green belt style recreation areas. A contract was initially awarded by Dallas Water Utilities to address structural and stability recommendations identified as part of a five-year cycle dam inspection. The contract was amended in 2011 to address additional study and design work associated with compliance with the Dam Safety Act and to design the relocation of a wastewater pipeline located in the area and crossing under the Bachman Dam. The design of the dam and spillway improvements was completed as directed at that time to meet only the existing hydraulic flows, but construction was put on-hold until the best future use of the lake could be evaluated. The pipeline relocation work continued, and construction was completed in 2015.
In 2016, the City Council authorized a Love Field / Bachman Lake Feasibility Study to investigate alternatives which could reduce flooding issues upstream and on the airport property as well as consider the needs of other departments in...
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