STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: September 27, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):|910|DEPARTMENT: Department of Public Works
EXECUTIVE: Dr. Robert Perez
Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of a street reconstruction project on Bradford Drive from Maple Springs Boulevard to Hedgerow Drive - Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of two - Not to exceed $2,766,231.47 - Financing: 2023 Certificate of Obligation Fund ($1,886,911.47), Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($449,220.00), and Water Construction Fund ($430,100.00)
This action will authorize a construction services contract with Estrada Concrete Company, LLC for the construction of Bradford Drive from Maple Springs Boulevard to Hedgerow Drive.
This project scope will include replacing the existing 24-foot wide asphalt street with new 26-foot wide reinforced concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalk, and storm drain improvements. This project will also include water main improvements to replace 2,400 linear feet of an existing 4-inch water line with a new 8-inch water line.
Estrada Concrete Company, LLC is a Hutchins-based corporation, and is a registered vendor with the City of Dallas.
The following chart illustrates Estrada Concrete Company's contractual activities with the City of Dallas for the past three years.
Projects Completed |999 9 10|Active Projects 17|99 9 10|Change Orders|999 9 10|Projects Requiring Liquidated Damages|9 9 9 9 10|Projects Completed by Bonding Company|9 9 9 9 10|
If this project is not awarded for construction at this time, the roadway will continue to deteriorate causing additional pavement cracking and potholes to form, creating additional maintenance costs for the City and potential damages to vehicles utilizing the roadways. Field conditions may also change which...
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