STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: January 8, 2025
DEPARTMENT: Department of Aviation
EXECUTIVE: Dev Rastogi
Authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the consultant services contract with Ricondo & Associates, Inc. to (1) continue providing on-call airport planning and advisory services for the Dallas Airport System (Dallas Executive Airport, Dallas Love Field, and Dallas Vertiport); and (2) extend the contract term from June 30, 2025 to June 30, 2026 - Not to exceed $2,456,227.00, from $5,926,600.00 to $8,382,827.00 - Financing: Aviation Construction Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
Ricondo & Associates, Inc. is the principal external source of airport planning expertise for the City of Dallas and provides analytical assistance to DAS leadership. Services covered include various airport-related planning tasks and technical analyses using a task order format. Tasks are oriented towards the phasing and implementation of projects in the Capital Improvement Program. The on-call consultant team is also tasked with analyzing, assessing, and advising the DAS on development initiatives from Master Plan and airport business perspectives.
Given the dynamic nature of on-call advisory services and due to the increase in passengers at Dallas Love Field (DAL) during the industries and DAL's COVID-19 recovery, the substantive increase to this contract will support the ongoing work efforts for a comprehensive Terminal Area Master Plan and reflects the Department of Aviation's priority of identifying near and long-term solutions for passenger growth at DAL.
This action will authorize Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to the consultant services contract with Ricondo & Associates, Inc. to continue providing on-call airport planning and advisory services for the Dallas Airport System (Dallas Executive Airport, Dall...
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