STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: November 13, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Office of Procurement Services
EXECUTIVE: Donzell Gipson
Authorize a two-year professional services contract for the Dallas Streetcar Operations and Maintenance Study for the Department of Transportation and Public Works - Gresham Smith, most highly qualified firm of two - Not to exceed $626,494.58 - Financing: DART Public Transportation System Projects Fund (subject to annual appropriations)
This professional services contract will be used to complete the Dallas Streetcar Operations and Maintenance Study for the Department of Transportation and Public Works. The Dallas Streetcar is a City-owned facility that links the downtown Central Business District to the Methodist Hospital in Oak Cliff and the Bishop Arts District. The system was constructed using State and Federal grant funds and began operating in 2015. Initially a 1.5-mile route through downtown, the Streetcar network has been expanded to include a total of six stops on 2.45 miles of track all within the City street network. Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) operates the Streetcar on behalf of the City and contributes approximately $600,000.00 a year towards the $2.5M operations and maintenance ("O&M") costs with an expiry date of 2040. The City provides the majority of the Streetcar's O&M in addition to periodic capital maintenance funds through its General Fund.
The City has worked with DART and other stakeholders to examine the economic impact of the Streetcar including the necessity of expansion routes, such as the Central Link, and sustainable funding mechanisms to support ongoing O&M of the Streetcar. In 2020, LDR Advisory Partners completed an initial Streetcar O&M funding analysis overview which noted areas of additional evaluation needed to develop a sustainabl...
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