STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: December 13, 2023
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S): 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
DEPARTMENT: Water Utilities Department
EXECUTIVE: Kimberly Bizor Tolbert
Authorize a construction services contract for the installation of water and wastewater main improvements and extension of water and wastewater mains to unserved areas at 18 locations (list attached to the Agenda Information Sheet) - SYB Construction Company, Inc., lowest responsible bidder of seven - Not to exceed $12,423,572.50 - Financing: Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund ($9,471,850.00) and Water Capital Improvement F Fund ($2,951,722.50)
This action will authorize a construction services contract with SYB Construction Company, Inc. for the extension and installation of approximately 24,300 feet of water and wastewater mains to 18 unserved areas. The extensions and installations include approximately 10 feet of 6-inch and 640 feet of 8-inch diameter water mains as well as approximately 20,050 feet of 8-inch and 3,600 feet of 12-inch diameter wastewater mains. To improve equity and provide service to all residents, Dallas established the Unserved Areas program in Fiscal Year 2020-21. The goal of the unserved area program is to extend service to parts of Dallas that currently do not have accessible water and/or wastewater mains. Priority is given to areas and neighborhoods that are already occupied and where extending services benefits existing residents.
In addition to the unserved area extensions, the construction contract includes the installation and replacement of approximately 9,320 feet of water mains. This includes the installation of approximately 190 feet of 6-inch, 8,360 feet of 8-inch, and 770 feet of 16-inch diameter water mains. The existing water mains were built between 1926 and 1971 and are identified to be aging and in need of repa...
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