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File #: 25-893A    Version: 1 Name:
Type: CONSENT AGENDA Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 2/26/2025 In control: Department of Facilities and Real Estate Management
On agenda: 3/26/2025 Final action:
Title: A resolution authorizing (1) the dedication of public right-of-way on City-owned land containing approximately 7,706 square feet; and (2) the execution of a Right-of-Way Maintenance Agreement with Cantex Technology LLC for the design, construction and maintenance of a public road, bridge support and structure located near the intersection of West Technology and East Technology Boulevards - Revenue: General Fund $10,200.00
Indexes: 6
Attachments: 1. Map, 2. Resolution, 3. Exhibit A
Date Ver.Action ByActionResultAction DetailsMeeting DetailsVideo
No records to display.

STRATEGIC PRIORITY:                     Core

AGENDA DATE:                     March 26, 2025

COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):                     6

DEPARTMENT:                     Department of Facilities and Real Estate Management

EXECUTIVE:                     Donzell Gipson





A resolution authorizing (1) the dedication of public right-of-way on City-owned land containing approximately 7,706 square feet; and (2) the execution of a Right-of-Way Maintenance Agreement with Cantex Technology LLC for the design, construction and maintenance of a public road, bridge support and structure located near the intersection of West Technology and East Technology Boulevards - Revenue: General Fund $10,200.00





This item, on behalf of Dallas Water Utilities Department, authorizes (1) the dedication of public right-of-way on City-owned land containing approximately 7,706 square feet; and (2) the execution of a Right-of-Way Maintenance Agreement with Cantex Technology LLC for the design, construction and maintenance of a public road, bridge support and structure, located near the intersection of West Technology and East Technology Boulevards .This property will be used for the design, construction and maintenance of a public road, bridge support and structure.




This item has no prior action.




Revenue: General Fund $10,200.00




Cantex Technology, LLC


Cantex RE, LLC


Romit Cheeman, Member



