STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Government Performance & Financial Management
AGENDA DATE: September 4, 2024
DEPARTMENT: Budget and Management Services
EXECUTIVE: Jack Ireland
First reading and passage of the appropriation ordinance appropriating funds for the proposed FY 2024-25 City of Dallas Operating, Capital, and Grant & Trust Budgets (1) for the maintenance and operation of various departments; (2) authorizing the City Manager to make certain adjustments; (3) appropriating funds for public improvements to be financed from bond funds and other revenues of the city of Dallas for fiscal year 2024-25; (4) providing for publication; and (5) providing an effective date - Not to exceed $5,257,653,898 - Financing: General Fund ($1,902,654,000), General Obligation Debt ($485,754,134), Capital Funds ($912,273,932), Enterprise/Other Funds ($1,482,754,855), Internal Service and Other Funds $284,005,397, Grants, Trusts, and Other Funds ($183,165,378), and Employee Retirement Fund ($7,046,202)
In accordance with the Charter of the City of Dallas and prior to August 15, the City Manager recommended a budget to the City Council for the upcoming fiscal year on August 13. The fiscal year will begin on October 1, 2024, and end on September 30, 2025. The total budget for FY 2024-25 is recommended at $4,966,602,299. Internal Service and Other Funds and the Employee Retirement Fund account for the additional $291,051,599.
The budget for Internal Service Funds is included in this action because the funds require budget appropriation for spending. The budget for Internal Service Funds is not included in the budget overview in the budget document or budget briefing materials to prevent the revenues and expenditures from being counted twice in citywide totals as funding is moved from one city fund to another. For example, when a department purchased fuel through Eq...
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