STRATEGIC PRIORITY: Transportation & Infrastructure
AGENDA DATE: February 12, 2025
COUNCIL DISTRICT(S):|910|DEPARTMENT: Department of Transportation and Public Works
EXECUTIVE: Dev Rastogi
Authorize a construction services contract for the construction of Special Project Group 17-5001 - Estrada Concrete Company, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of four - Not to exceed $17,764,491.00 - Financing: 2024B Certificates of Obligation Fund ($13,548,461.00), Water Construction Fund ($87,700.00), Wastewater Capital Improvement G Fund ($1,864,730.00), Water Capital Improvement G Fund ($2,173,600.00), and Wastewater Construction Fund ($90,000.00)
This action will authorize a construction services contract with Estrada Concrete Company, LLC for the construction of two thoroughfare projects as Special Project Group 17-5001.
The proposed project will reconstruct and widen the existing asphalt roadway to a 2-lane divided concrete roadway with curb and gutter, water and wastewater line relocates, street lighting, sidewalks, traffic signal at the intersection of Lake June Road and Cheyenne Road, a shared-use path, and drainage improvements.
The following are the locations and construction costs for each project:
Project Council District Amount
Cheyenne Road from Lake June Road
to Big Thicket Drive (PB17VA17) 5 $9,972,315.00
Cheyenne Road from Big Thicket Drive
to Elam Road (PB17VA18) 5 $7,792,176.00
The following chart illustrates Estrada Concrete Company, LLC's contractual activities with the City of Dallas for the past three years:
Projects Completed|9 99 9|13
Active Projects|9 99 9|14
Change Orders|9 9 9 9 10|Projects Requiring Liquidated Damages|9 9 9 9 10|Projects Completed by Bonding Company|9 9 9 9 10|
If this project is not awarded for construction at this time, drainage issues will continue...
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