| 1 | 1. | | MINUTES | Approval of the February 10, 2025, Minutes | | |
Not available
| 1 | A. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | Overview of Police and Fire Recruiting and Retention
[Pollyana Ashford, Major of Police Department, Delridge Williams, Assistant Chief, Dallas Fire-Rescue Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | B. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | Violent Crime Reduction Plan Update
[Nathan Swyers, Major of Police, Violent Crime Division, Dallas Police Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | C. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | Civil Service Board Rules and Regulations Update
[Jarred D. Davis, Director, Civil Service Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | D. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | City’s Continuity of Operations (COOP) Program Update
[Kevin Oden, Director, Travis Houston, Deputy Director, Emergency Management & Crisis Response] | | |
Not available
| 1 | E. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | Park Safety and Security Plan Update
[M. Renee Johnson, Deputy Director & Kevin Mandy, Superintendent Park, and Recreation] | | |
Not available
| 1 | F. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | 2024 Dallas Fire-Rescue Emergency Medical Services Annual Report
[Dr. Marshal Isaacs, Medical Director, Scott Clumpner, Deputy Chief, Section Chief Chris Chiara, Dallas Fire-Rescue Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | G. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Public Safety Dashboards
[Dominique Artis, Chief of Public Safety, City Manager’s Office] | | |
Not available
| 1 | H. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Dallas Police Department 2024 Racial Profiling Report
[Michael T. Igo, Chief of Police (I), Dallas Police Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | I. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Dallas Fire-Rescue Facility Construction Update
[Justin Ball, Chief of Fire, Dallas Fire-Rescue Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | J. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Dallas Fire-Rescue Fleet Maintenance Update
[Justin Ball, Chief of Fire (I), Dallas Fire-Rescue Department] | | |
Not available
| 1 | K. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Dallas Marshal’s Action Response Team Activity Report
[David Pughes, City Marshal, Dallas Marshal’s Office] | | |
Not available
| 1 | L. | | BRIEFING MEMOS | Capital Improvement Needs at City Detention Center
[David Pughes, City Marshal, Dallas Marshal’s Office] | | |
Not available
| 1 | M. | | UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS | Authorize (1) a three-year interlocal agreement with Dallas Independent School District to provide emergency medical services during football games and other District events; and (2) the receipt and deposit of the revenue funds - Estimated Revenue: General Fund $486,590.00 | | |
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| 1 | N. | | UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS | Authorize a five-year sole source services agreement for asset tracking system equipment, maintenance, and support for the Police Department - CovertTrack Group, Inc., sole source - Not to exceed $1,071,846.75 -Financing: General Funds (subject to annual appropriations) | | |
Not available
| 1 | O. | | UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS | Authorize a five-year service price agreement for helicopter turbine engine overhauls, rebuilds, repairs, and associated rentals for helicopters for the Dallas Police Department - Keystone Turbine Services, LLC, lowest responsible bidder of two - Estimated amount of $9,727,460.00 -Financing: General Fund (subject to annual appropriations) | | |
Not available