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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Parks, Trails, and the Environment Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/3/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL bit.ly/cityofdallastv
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Attachments: 3.3.25 Agenda Packet for PTE Committee
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultVideo
25-815A 11. MINUTESApproval of the February 3, 2025, Parks, Trails and Environment Committee Minutes   Not available
25-817A 1A. BRIEFING ITEMSPark Safety and Security Strategic Plan [M. Renee Johnson, Deputy Director, Parks and Recreation Department; Kevin Mondy, Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Department]   Not available
25-818A 1B. BRIEFING ITEMSCECAP Goal 3 Fleet Electrification Annual Update [Vincent Olsen, Director (I), Equipment and Fleet Management; Matthew Amend, Assistant Director, Equipment and Fleet Management]   Not available
25-819A 1C. BRIEFING MEMOSWater Conservation Minor Plumbing Repair (MPR) Program [M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira, Assistant City Manager]   Not available
25-820A 1D. BRIEFING MEMOSInterdepartmental Working Group Meeting - 2024 Bond CECAP Resolution [M. Elizabeth Cedillo-Pereira, Assistant City Manager]   Not available
25-823A 1E. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATIONParks, Trails and Environment Committee Forecast   Not available