| 2 | 1. | | BRIEFING ITEMS | Briefing and a Public Hearing on the South Dallas Fair Park Area Plan
Lindsay Jackson, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Department
Patrick Blaydes, Chief Planner, Planning and Development Department | | |
Not available
| 1 | 2. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for a Specific Use Permit for a drive-through restaurant on property zoned a GR General Retail Subdistrict within Planned Development District No. 193, the Oak Lawn Special Purpose District, on the south corner of Maple Avenue and Hawthorne Avenue.
Staff Recommendation: Approval for a two-year period, subject to site plan and conditions.
Applicant: Raymundo Castaneda
Planner: Liliana Garza
Council District: 2
Z234-279(LG) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 3. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for 1) a planned development district for MF-3(A) Multifamily District uses and 2) removal of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on property zoned CR-D-1 Community Retail District with the D-1 Overlay, on the southeast corner of South Jim Miller Road and Great Trinity Forest Way.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of 1) a planned development district for MF-3(A) District uses, subject to development plan and conditions; and 2) removal of a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay.
Applicant: JPI Real Estate Acquisition LLC
Representative: Tommy Mann/Jesse Copeland, Winstead PC
Planner: Liliana Garza
Council District: 8
Z234-316(LG) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 4. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for an R-5(A) Single Family District on property zoned an A(A) Agricultural District with deed restrictions [Z845-372], on the northeast line of Haymarket Road, southeast of South Saint Augustine Road.
Staff Recommendation: Approval.
Applicant: TMM Development, LLC
Representative: Karl A. Crawley, Masterplan
Planner: Liliana Garza
Council District: 8
Z245-124(LG) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 5. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for an R-5(A) Single Family District on property zoned a CS Commercial Service District, on the east line of Carbondale Street south of Fellow Lane.
Staff Recommendation: Approval.
Applicant: Juan Gonzalez
Planner: Teaseia Blue, MBA
Council District: 7
Z245-139(TB) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 6. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for a Specific Use Permit for a hotel or motel use on property zoned CA-1(A) Central Area District, on the south line of Main Street, east of South Pearl Expressway.
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to a site plan and conditions.
Applicant: Blake Shirk - SOVA Hospitality, LLC
Representative: Laura Lee Gunn - Masterplan
Planner: Teaseia Blue, B. Arch, MBA
Council District: 14
Z245-147(TB) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 7. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for a new subdistrict on property zoned Subdistrict 1A within Planned Development District No. 714, the West Commerce Street/Fort Worth Avenue Special Purpose District, on the northeast corner of West Commerce Street and Pittman Street.
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to amended conditions.
Applicant: EQR-Westerly, LP
Representative: Angela Hunt, Munsch Hardt Kopf & P.C.
Planner: LeQuan Clinton
Council District: 6
Z245-118(LC) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 8. | | ZONING CASES - CONSENT | An application for a Specific Use Permit for a vehicle display, sales, and service use on property zoned Subarea 2, within Planned Development District No. 366, the Buckner Boulevard Special Purpose District with a D-1 Dry Liquor Control Overlay, on the west line of Conner Drive, south of Bruton Road.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of a five-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions.
Applicant: Daniel Marquez/Laura Marquez
Representative: Isai Marquez
Planner: LeQuan Clinton
Council District: 5
Z245-125(LC) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 9. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for a CS Commercial Service District on property zoned a CR Community Retail District and an IR Industrial Research District, on the southeast line of Burbank Street, between Thurston Street and Denton Drive.
Staff Recommendation: Approval.
Applicant: Philip Lang, 2722 Burbank, LLC
Representative: Rob Baldwin, Baldwin Associates
Planner: LeQuan Clinton
U/A From: February 20, 2025.
Council District: 2
Z234-340(LC) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 10. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for an amendment to Planned Development District No. 143, on the northwest corner of IH-635 and Valley View Lane.
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to amended development, landscape, traffic management plans and amended conditions.
Applicant: Suzan Kedron and Victoria Morris, Jackson Walker, LLP
Planner: Lori Levy, AICP
U/A From: February 20, 2025 and March 6, 2025.
Council District: 11
Z234-271(LL) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 11. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for a new Specific Use Permit for an alcoholic beverage establishment limited to a bar, lounge, or tavern on property zoned CR Community Retail District and a P(A) Parking District, on the west line of Inwood Road, north of Lovers Lane.
Staff Recommendation: Approval for a three-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions.
Applicant: Prescott Interests
Representative: La Sierra Planning Group
Planner: Cherrell Caldwell
U/A From: February 6, 2025 and March 6, 2025.
Council District: 13
Z234-333(CC) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 12. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for the amendment and renewal of Specific Use Permit No. 1871 for the sale of alcoholic beverages in conjunction with a general merchandise or food store 3,500 square feet or less on property zoned a CR-D-1 Community Retail District with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay, on the northeast corner of Lake June Road and Holcomb Road.
Staff Recommendation: Approval for a three-year period with eligibility for automatic renewal for additional three-year periods, subject to conditions.
Applicant: Karim P. Rashid
Representative: Robert Nunez
Planner: Connor Roberts
U/A From: March 6, 2025.
Council District: 5
Z234-165(CR) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 13. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for an MF-2(A) Multifamily District on property zoned a CR Community Retail District, on the north line of John West Road, west of the intersection of La Prada Drive and John West Road.
Staff Recommendation: Approval.
Applicant: Mainul Khan
Representative: Nasir Rizvi, Ark Architects Inc.
Planner: Connor Roberts
U/A From: February 20, 2025 and March 6, 2025.
Council District: 7
Z234-323(CR) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 14. | | ZONING CASES - UNDER ADVISEMENT | An application for 1) a planned development district for certain nonresidential uses and to maintain the areas with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay and 2) consideration of an MU-1 Mixed Use District with a Specific Use Permit for a mini-warehouse use and to maintain the areas with a D-1 Liquor Control Overlay on property zoned a CR Community Retail District and CS Commercial Service District with a D-1 Overlay, and an R-7.5(A) Single Family District, on the southeast line of South Belt Line Road, southwest of C.F. Hawn Freeway.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of a Specific Use Permit for a twenty-year period, subject to a site plan and conditions, in lieu of a planned development district for certain nonresidential uses.
Applicant: Milan Nguyen (sole owner), MNCN Development, LLC
Representative: Karl A. Crawley, Masterplan
Planner: Sarah May, AICP
U/A From: February 6, 2025.
Council District: 8
Z234-277(SM) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 15. | | ZONING CASES - INDIVIDUAL | An application for 1) a TH-3(A) Townhouse District and 2) deed restrictions on property zoned an R-7.5(A) Single Family District and an IR Industrial Research District, generally bounded by Bonnie View Road, Southerland Avenue, and Arrow Road, south of the terminus of Dalview Avenue, and on the east line of Arrow Road, north of Southerland Avenue.
Staff Recommendation: Denial.
Applicant: DR Horton Homes
Representative: Rob Baldwin
Planner: Martin Bate
Council District: 4
Z234-286(MB) | | |
Not available
| 1 | 16. | | Development Code Amendments - Under Advisement | Consideration of amending Chapters 51 and 51A of the Dallas City Code regarding off-street parking and loading requirements, including Sections 51A-1.102 and 51A-1.101, “Applicability and Purpose”; Section 51A-2.102 and 51-2.102, “Definitions”; Division 51A-4.110, “Residential Zoning Districts”; Division 51A-4.120, “Nonresidential Zoning Districts”; Division 51A-4.200 and 51-4.200, “Use Regulations”; Division 51A-4.300, “Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations”; Division 51A-4.320, “Special Parking Regulations”; Division 51A-4.330, “Bicycle Parking Regulations”; Section 51A-4.505, “Conservation Districts”; Section 51A-4.702, “Planned Development (PD) District Regulations”; Division 51A-4.800 and 51-4.800, “Development Impact Review”; Section 51A-4.1106, “Development Regulations” and 51A-4.1107, “Design Standards”; Division 51A-13.300, “District Regulations”; Division 51A-13.400, “Parking Regulations”; Division 51A-13.700, “Administration”, and related sections regarding minimum off-street parking and loading requirements, including establishing a Transportation Demand Management P | | |
Not available
| 1 | 17. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to create one 0.505-acre lot, one 0.575-acre lot, and one 0.920-acre lot from a 2.0-acre tract of land in City Block 6879 on property located on Johnson Lane, north of Persimmon Road.
Applicant/Owner: Manuel Aguilera
Surveyor: Votex Surveying Company
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: R-7.5(A)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 8
S245-107 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 18. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to replat a 0.892-acre tract of land containing all of Lots 21 through 33 in City Block 6822 to create one lot on property located on Main Street, west of Beckley Avenue.
Applicant/Owner: RFA 201 W Commerce, LLC
Surveyor: Salcedo Group Inc.,
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: PD 714 (Subdistrict 1A)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 6
S245-108 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 19. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to replat a 2.2745-acre tract of land containing all of Lots 14A, 18 through 21 and part of Lots 22 and 23 in City Block D/5187 to create one lot on property located on SMU Boulevard at Prentice Street, northwest corner.
Applicant/Owner: Southern Methodist University, Peruna East Corporation
Surveyor: Raymond L. Goodson Jr. Inc.,
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: MU-3
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 9
S245-109 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 20. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to replat a 3.9839-acre tract of land containing all of Lots 1 through 4, part of Lots 5 through 8, all of Lots 9 through 11 in City Block 952, all of Lots 12 through 15 in City Block 953, and an abandoned 20-foot alley to create one lot on property bounded by Cedar Springs Road, Routh Street, Howell Street, and Fairmount Street.
Owners: Royal 2500 Cedar Springs, LLC
Surveyor: Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc.
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: PD 1109
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 14
S245-110 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 21. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to replat a 0.6651-acre tract of land containing all of Lots 6 through 8 and part of Lot 9 in City Block 4/1974 to create one lot on property located on Henderson Avenue, southwest of Madera Street.
Applicant/Owner: Urban Eagle Henderson, LLC
Surveyor: Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc.
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: PD 462 (Subdistrict 2)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 14
S245-112 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 22. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to create one 3.220-acre lot from a tract of land in City Block 8795 on property located on Ravenview Road, north of C.F. Hawn Freeway/ U.S. Highway No. 175.
Applicant/Owner: Safstor Real Estate Co., LLC, 24K Holdings, LLC
Surveyor: Kimley-Horn and Assoc., Inc.
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: CS
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 8
S245-113 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 23. | | SUBDIVISION DOCKET | An application to create 3 lots ranging in size from 1.435 acre to 1.998 acre from a 5.557-acre tract of land in City Block 6240 on property located on Lake June Road, west of C.F. Hawn Freeway/ U.S. Highway No. 175 (FKA Second Avenue).
Applicant/Owner: Alex Daredia
Surveyor: Chris Howard
Application Filed: February 20, 2025
Zoning: CS
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 5
S245-117 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 24. | | RESIDENTIAL REPLATS | An application to replat a 20.033-acre tract of land containing all of Lots 8 through 11 in City Block 8033 to create one lot on property located on Ledbetter Drive, at the terminus of Dan Morton Drive.
Applicant/Owner: BCG W. Ledbetter Texas, LLC
Surveyor: Robert Schneeberg
Application Filed: February 19, 2025
Zoning: IR, TH-3(A)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 3
S245-111 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 25. | | RESIDENTIAL REPLATS | An application to replat a 0.24-acre (10,381-square foot) tract of land containing part of Lot 9 in City Block 1/4340 to create one lot on property located on Ann Arbor Avenue, west of Biglow Avenue.
Applicants/Owners: Javier Pedroza Beltran and Maria Isabel Pedroza
Surveyor: CBG Surveying Texas, LLC
Application Filed: February 20, 2025
Zoning: R-7.5(A)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 4
S245-114 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 26. | | RESIDENTIAL REPLAT AND BUILDING LINE REDUCTION | An application to replat a 1.33-acre (57,852.87-square foot) tract of land containing all of Lots 1 and 2 in City Block 8/8186 to create one lot on property and to reduce a portion of an existing 40-foot building line by 4.38 feet for the distance of 16.20 feet along Valley Creek Drive on property located on Valley Creek Drive, north of Spring Valley Road.
Applicants/Owners: Christine Dunn, J. Kenneth Dunn
Surveyor: CBG Surveying Texas, LLC
Application Filed: February 20, 2025
Zoning: R-10(A)
Staff Recommendation: Approval, subject to compliance with the conditions listed in the docket.
Planner: Sharmila Shrestha
Council District: 11
S245-115 | | |
Not available
| 1 | 27. | | THOROUGHFARE PLAN AMENDMENTS | An amendment to the City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan to change (1) the designation of Grady Niblo Road between Mountain Creek Parkway and S. Merrifield Road from a standard six-lane divided principal arterial roadway in 107 feet of right-of-way (S-6-D) to a minimum four-lane divided minor arterial roadway in 80 feet of right-of-way (M-4-D(A)), and (2) the designated alignment of the unbuilt portion of the roadway.
Staff Recommendation: Approval to amend the City of Dallas Thoroughfare Plan to change; (1) the designation of Grady Niblo Road between Mountain Creek Parkway and Merrifield Road from a standard six-lane divided principal arterial roadway in 107 feet of right-of way (S-6-D) to a minimum four-lane divided minor arterial roadway in 80 feet of right-of way (M-4-D(A)); and (2) the designated alignment of the unbuilt portion of the roadway.
Applicant: The Potters House of Dallas, Inc.
Representative: Claudio Segovia, PE
Planner: Kierra Williams
Council District: 3
Grady Niblo Road between Mountain Creek Parkway and S. Merrifield Road | | |
Not available
| 1 | 28. | | Authorized Hearings - Zoning Case | A City Plan Commission authorized hearing to determine the proper zoning for the area to include but not limited to use, development standards, and other appropriate regulations in an area generally located along both sides of Hampton Road between Wentworth Street to the north and Brandon to the south and along both sides of W. Clarendon Drive between the alley parallel to Hampton Road and Marlborough Avenue and containing approximately 35 acres.
Staff Recommendation: Approval of a WMU-3 Walkable Urban Mixed-Use District 3 and a Shopfront Overlay on a portion.
Planner: Jalyn Porchay
Council District: 1
Z189-349(JP) | | |
Not available