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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/25/2025 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL bit.ly/cityofdallastv
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultVideo
25-1078A 1C BRIEFING ITEMSHarold Simmons Park Project Update [Dr. Andrew Quicksall, Chair, Trinity River Corridor LGC] [Tony Moore, CEO, Trinity Park Conservancy]   Not available
25-1081A 1A BRIEFING ITEMSApproval of the February 18, 2025 Special Called Transportation and Infrastructure Committee/DART Board Joint Meeting   Not available
25-1082A 1B BRIEFING ITEMSApproval of the March 5, 2025 Special Called Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Meeting   Not available
25-1083A 1E BRIEFING ITEMSFollow up to the February 18, 2025 TRNI DART Update Briefing - Identification of Projects Aligned with Mutual City of Dallas & DART Goals [Dev Rastogi, Assistant City Manager, City of Dallas]   Not available
25-1079A 1D ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATIONIntroduction of “Serve Robotics” Delivery Robots [Ghassan Khankarli, Ph.D., P.E., Director, Department of Transportation and Public Works]   Not available
25-1084A 1F BRIEFING ITEMSCommittee Forecast   Not available
25-1096A 1G BRIEFING ITEMSAviation: Authorize a ten-year lease agreement with the United States of America, acting by and through the General Services Administration, for approximately 9,392 square feet of office, support, and storage space located in the Dallas Love Field terminal building, together with rights to the use of parking and other areas, for the Transportation Security Administration - Estimated Revenue: Aviation Fund $5,490,272.40 over ten years   Not available
25-1095A 1H BRIEFING ITEMSDallas Water Utilities: Authorize (1) a Standard Utility Agreement with the State of Texas, acting through the Texas Department of Transportation, for water pipeline encasement extensions in State Highway 205 from FM 548 to US 80; and (2) the receipt and deposit of funds from the Texas Department of Transportation for reimbursement of eligible construction, inspection, and project management costs for the project - Estimated Revenue: Dallas Water Utilities Fund $123,165.67   Not available
25-1102A 1I BRIEFING ITEMSDallas Water Utilities: Authorize the second step of acquisition for condemnation by eminent domain to acquire a drainage easement containing approximately 4,738 square feet of land from Lester Claud Loftice and wife, Mary Charles Loftice located on Renner Drive near its intersection with South Denley Drive for the Kings Branch Culvert at Denley Project - Not to exceed $8,800.00 ($5,800.00, plus closing costs and title expenses not to exceed $3,000.00) - Financing: 2024B Certificate of Obligation Fund   Not available
25-1100A 1J BRIEFING ITEMSTransportation & Public Works: Authorize payment to Dallas County for the City’s share of the additional traffic signal improvements needed for the Harry Hines Multimodal Connection Project in an amount not to exceed $75,000.00 - Not to exceed $75,000.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund)   Not available
25-1097A 1K BRIEFING ITEMSTransportation & Public Works: Authorize the (1) acceptance of a grant from the United States Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration through the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) for the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) Program (Agreement No. CSJ 0918-47-483, Assistance Listing No. 20.205) in the amount of$2,000,000.00 as federal share in the total project cost of $2,105,800.00 (includes $1,960,000.00 in Federal reimbursement, $40,000.00 in direct state cost, $105,800.00 in indirect state cost, and the City of Dallas’ portion covered by the use of 500,000 regional Transportation Development Credits in lieu of a local cash match excluding any cost overruns) for environmental assessment and mitigation, and architectural and engineering services to rehabilitate the roadway with signage, signal, and intersection improvements on Harry Hines Boulevard/McKinnon Street from the Dallas North Tollway to Moody Street in the City of Dallas;(2) establishment of appropriations in an amount not to exceed $1,960,000.00 in the TxDOT STBG Harry Hines Boulevard Mc   Not available
25-1098A 1L BRIEFING ITEMSTransportation & Public Works: Authorize a contract with Urban Smart Growth LT, LLC for the donation of privately funded design plans to construct pedestrian improvements including crosswalks, median sidewalk, pedestrian signals, and roadway improvements to include dual left-handed turn lanes on eastbound North Haskell Avenue from US 75 Northbound Frontage Road to Capitol Avenue - Financing: This action has no cost consideration to the City (see fiscal information for potential future costs)   Not available
25-1099A 1M BRIEFING ITEMSTransportation & Public Works: Authorize a three-year master agreement for the purchase of traffic signal equipment and materials for the Department of Transportation and Public Works with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc. through The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (BuyBoard) agreement - Estimated amount of $3,000,000.00 - Financing: Street and Transportation (A) Fund (2017 General Obligation Bond Fund) (subject to annual appropriations   Not available
25-1101A 1N BRIEFING ITEMSOffice of Governmental Affairs: Authorize a resolution to express the City of Dallas’ support for the full funding of Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) at the current one-percent sales tax level. - Financing: No cost consideration to the City   Not available