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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Government Performance and Financial Management Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/23/2024 1:00 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: COUNCIL BRIEFING ROOM, 6ES bit.ly/cityofdallastv
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda  
Attachments: Agenda Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultVideo
24-3022 11. MINUTESApproval of the August 26, 2024 Government Performance and Financial Management Committee Meeting Minutes   Not available
24-3025 1A. BRIEFING ITEMSMonthly Update on Repairs to Family Gateway Property Damage [Ellen Magnis, Chief Executive Officer, Family Gateway]   Not available
24-3026 1B. BRIEFING ITEMSReview of City Real Estate for Development and Redevelopment (Proposed New Property Management Strategies and Process Improvements for Case Study Properties - 711 South St. Paul, 7800 Stemmons, 2929 South Hampton Road, 4150 Independence, 9999 West Technology Blvd.) [John Johnson, Director, Facilities and Real Estate Management]   Not available
24-3028 1C. BRIEFING ITEMSBullington Terminal & Thanksgiving Foundation Lease (Proposed Recommendations for Operations) [John Johnson, Director, Facilities and Real Estate Management]   Not available
24-3029 1D. BRIEFING ITEMSFY24 Year End Appropriation Adjustments [Janette Weedon, Director, Budget & Management Services]   Not available
24-3030 1E. BRIEFING ITEMSOffice of the City Auditor Fiscal Year 2025 Recommended Annual Audit Work Plan [Mark Swann, City Auditor, Office of the City Auditor]   Not available
24-3032 1F. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMInspector General Division - Quarterly Report - 3rd Quarter FY 2024 [City Attorney’s Office]   Not available
24-3033 1G. BRIEFING MEMORANDUM2025 City Council Calendar [Office of Government Affairs]   Not available
24-3034 1H. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMUpcoming Debt Issuances · Upcoming Agenda Item 24-3013 for October 8, 2024 - Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of City of Dallas, Texas Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2024 · Upcoming Agenda Items 24-3012 and 24-3014 for October 8, 2024: Authorizing the Preparation of General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds, Series 20204C; Equipment Acquisition Contractual Obligations, Series 2024; and Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation, Series 2025 · Upcoming Agenda Item 24-2780 for September 25, 2024 - Extension of the Waterworks and Sewer System Commercial Paper Notes, Series G [City Controller’s Office]   Not available
24-3035 1I. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMCotton Bowl 2025 Scope of Work Contract Award [Parks & Recreation]   Not available
24-3037 1J. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMMonthly Budget Accountability Report [Budget & Management Services]   Not available
24-3038 1K. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMTechnology Accountability Report (Information as of Aug 31, 2024) [Information & Technology Services]   Not available
24-3039 1L. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMOffice of the City Auditor Monthly Internal Update on Internal Audit (Released Between Aug 17, 2024 and Sep 13, 2024) [Office of City Auditor]   Not available
24-3040 1M. BRIEFING MEMORANDUMUpcoming Agenda Item - 24-2991 - Authorizing a one-year Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (ID/IQ) service price agreement for waste collection, disposal, and container rental services at various city facilities [Sanitation Services]   Not available